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Race Report Thread

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Race Information

Name: NPE Highway Half Marathon | KLSCM | Langkawi International Half Marathon
Date: July, 2023
Distance: 21.1km
Location: Sunway
Twitter/ Threads:
Time: 2:14:32

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append delete #1. dean_17

Name: *NPE Highway Half Marathon*
Date: July, 2023
Distance: 21.1km
Location: Sunway
Twitter/ Threads:
Time: 1:42:09

:: @dean_17 added on 10 Jul ’23 · 08:48

NPE Highway Half Marathon. Boleh kata official PB la since tak pernah lagi race official HM. Last time buat virtual je so tak kira la.

Ada 3 phase dalam race ni. First phase pacing was really good but not until km 6. Something went wrong and I puked at KM6 mark. Tersadai kejap tepi highway. Bukan nak salahkan air but last time happened the same thing every time I consumed Boom isotonic. Yup. Perut ni memilih. Bukan salah air. Salah sendiri sebab tak focus on what kind of drink they prepared.

So lepas setel muntah tu ada pacer 5min/km so follow la dorang sampai KM11. Avoided Boom iso and drank Water and 100+. Then semua recovered and body felt really good.

Part 3 is where hujan start turun and at the same time everything felt good. Time tu push sikit pace. Still avoiding Boom Iso and finished strong.

append delete #2. dianfdh

NPE Highway Half Marathon

-FO 5.30am, COT 3H20M for HM
-Tak ada surau, only caltex and masjid (quite far from route)
- Cuaca nice
- Underdistance, sampai FL 20.8km. Dkt FO tak ada timing chip, so result only gun time, tak ada net time
- Water station just nice
- EG nice, suitable for newbie
- Harga dan goodies berpatutan
* RM80, baju event + finisher, towel and bag compressport, Kupon McD 2, kupon decathlon, timing chip, bib
* After event - air boom, roti2, lori milo, photobooth
- Event ramaiii, so meriahh
- Overall akan repeat, sbb lari highway mmg best😄

append delete #3. Redzman

Name: NPE Highway Half Marathon
Date: 9 July, 2023
Distance: HM (Actual distance 20.9km)
Location: Sunway
Twitter/ Threads:
Time: 1:39:31

Dapat biib 2 hari sblm, kebetulan ada di KL dan plan nk buat longrun menjelang Lazada Run. The plan is 15km moderate pace 4:50min/km dan 6.1km HM race pace < 4:30min/km. Alhamdulillah berjaya laksanakan dengan jayanya.

Event best, dapat rasa event yg A class. Dengan ramainya geng2 laju turun.

Flag off 5:30am mcm kurang nice, better lagi kalau 4-5am. Surau tk dimaklumkan dalam event information. Ada dm IG organiser tapi tk di reply.

Water station all good ada air mineral dan air isotonik sekali, tapi kena buat penambahan sikit, letak board besar yg menyatakan meja depan ke meja belakang air mineral atau air isotonik. Kdg satu waterstation dh waste 3-5s bayangkan kalau 5 waterstation. Every second matters.

Lepas tu ada satu kereta terlepas masuk highway waktu event, tak jadi apa2 mmng la selamat, bayangkan kalau ada runners yg kena langgar. Kena lak driver mabuk, pishangg mait.

Bab underdistance plak, kalau extrakan 50-100m kat part u turn tu okay ja. Bila kurang ada runners yg nk cukupkan actual HM selepas finishing line. Kat situ dah kena lari rentas halangan elak runner2 lain.

Refreshment selepas race mantopp, free sport massage plak tuu. 8/10 untk NPE Highway Challenge ni. Mmng antara event yang akan di repeat tahun depan.

append delete #4. Rtz

Name: Lazada Run MY
Date: 16 July 2023
Location: Cyberjaya
Time: 1:59:52

This was my 2nd official race (4th if you count the 2 fun runs I joined 9-10 years ago).

I decided to register to accompany an ex-colleague, even though we hadn't seen each other before and during the run, even though we both crossed the finish line seconds apart.

Anyway, the Lazada Run was fun. From the race kit collection to the race day itself, there were lots of activities to do.

After seeing the race map, I initially thought, 'Maybe I could try to go for sub 2 this time.' But in the weeks leading up to the race, I could hardly complete my long-distance trainings. To make it worse, on the night before the run, I couldn't sleep. Hence, I lost my confidence and didn't plan for a sub 2, but just to beat my PB from my first HM back in March of this year.

After 15km and with some calculations in my head, I realized that if I just pushed a bit harder in the last 6km, I could achieve a sub 2. But to my surprise, there were lots of uphill sections in the last 5 kilometers. I had to push myself even more because I had already committed to getting a sub 2 in the last minutes.

The flag-off time was 5AM, which is good. I didn't really want to be racing once the sun was up as I don't do well when it's too hot. There were enough water stations with water and isotonic drinks provided, and they even had bananas at some point (my favorite station 😊).

The event was adequately manned, with people manning the junctions, water stations, etc.

The cutoff time was set at 4 hours, providing ample time for runners to complete the race before the sun became too hot.

I can say that the event was well-organized and well-thought-out. Looking forward to next year!

append delete #5. yuzirharafi13

Name: Lazada Run 2023
Date: 16 July 2023
Location: Persiaran Floria, Cyberjaya
Time: 5.00am FO

Event yg meriah dan mesra beginner pada aku. Ade kategori 5km, 10km dan 21km. Rasanya jugak ade kategori utk OKU. Route dia pulak adalah sekitar Cyberjaya.

Best ✅️
- Pagi dah meriah, banyak vendor dan byk mini games
- Dekat area FO ade papan tanda besar and separate by pace jadi boleh ready korang nak lari pace berapa.
- Papan tanda arah SANGAT BESAR dan mudah utk dibaca dan folo. Jalan di tanda dengan baik dan terang lampu.
- Sape nak rasa 21km tanpa risau cut-off yg cepat, event ni sesuai, sbb 4jam masa dia bagi tpi kena jugak training. (ade bukit2 yg tinggi last 3km), btw FO jam 5am
- Banyak goodies, water station semua teratur.

Tak best ❌️
- Info pasal surau takde sgt, dekat2 12 KM mcm baru tahu ade kalau awal2 tahu lagi better atau letak dalam map

append delete #6. yuzirharafi13

Name: Score Marathon 2023 (5km)
Date: 13/8/2023
Location: Putrajaya

Organizer did well, the space area for runner village is really big and not too crowded. Many booth and activities. But for 5km, i dont know why it become 4.1km 😅. But as for 5km experience all ok.

append delete #7. AF

Name: Score Marathon 2023 (half-marathon)
Date: 13/8/2023
Location: Putrajaya

With my first being Twincity 2022 (HM), ni event paling meriah takat ni. FO pun kat belakang sebab crowd memang ramai.

Not sure if route sama macam tahun lepas dan sebelum nya tapi memang rolling.

Plan nak ikut 3:00HR pacer, tapi mula pun di belakang, memang tak nampak langsung all the way.

Ada a few area solat 7km onwards tak silap, sempat Subuh somewhere around KM8++

I guess my rookie mistake was insisting on catching up to the pacer who was never on sight in the first place; lepas Subuh terus pecut, towards the end dah agak barai. Should have followed my own pace/timing instead of nak ikut chip time. At the end tengok checkpoint spot timing under 3 jam jugak ,takda tulis chip time pun. Haiya 😂

Overall, it was a great event. Nampak gaya macam well organized, FO je ada delay sikit 10min tapi selain tu semua okay !

append delete #8. luno25

Name: Score Marathon 2023 (FM)
Date: 12 August 2023
Location: Putrajaya
Time: 4:55:51

Event yang sangat meriah. Well done to the organiser. Sebab:
1) Water stations yang banyak, air pun cukup & thankyou so much to the volunteers yang sangat2 membantu.
2) Keselamatan runners dijaga sepanjang larian. Cone & traffic police are everywhere alongside the routes.
3) Flagoff on time
4) Banyak vendors di race village. Memang meriah
5) Photographer pun ramai

This is my 1st FM race.I run comfortably during the 1st half of the race although the route elevation is quite crazy for me. But unfortunately at KM23, my legs feels heavy & my knee problem reappear again. All i can do are just keep walking to the FL. Overall i really love the experience that i gain in this race. Thankyou SCORE!

append delete #9. Gummies

Name: Score Marathon (10KM Speed)
Date: 12 August 2023

People may agree or disagree, but Score 10KM speed is probably one of the challenging events if you were to aim for a 10km PB due to the rolling hills. This is particularly evident when there was a sudden steep slope on the 7th and the 8th KM mark. Of course, this is compensated by the downhills in which imo is a good thing.

Apart from that, the organisers did fantastic: dividing the runners in terms of speed and cruise category, proper route signage, water stations during and after the runs, vendors, bag drop off/collection and the vibes were just nice.

This is my first event with Score and I would like to go for it again next year if I have the opportunity.

Kudos to SCORE for the event. I believe they have executed the event as what a running event should be.

append delete #10. tristupe
append delete #11. amirulfaez_1

Name: GARMIN Run Asia Series Malaysia 2023
Date: 22 October 2023
Distance: 21.1km
Location: Dataran Putrajaya
Twitter/ Threads:
Time: 2:23:55

Penyertaan kali ke-2 utk event GARMIN Run Asia Series Malaysia selepas kali pertama pada tahun lepas utk kategori 10KM. Berbeza utk edisi kali ini, tiada acara utk Full Marathon. Dengan kemeriahan event ni tahun lepas, expectation pasti lebih tinggi.

Menyertai acara Half Marathon (Speed). COT bagi Speed adalah 2:30:00. Plan race saya tetap sama seperti di KLSCM. Maintain pace 6:00-6:30 bagi first 10KM. Baki KM seterusnya maintain dlm lingkungan tak melebihi pace 7:15 utk tak tersasar dari COT. Alhamdulillah. Berjaya perbaharui Personal Best (PB) atasi rekod di KLSCM yg lepas. Walaupun belum pulih sepenuhnya dari kecederaan di bahagian pergelangan kaki kanan, tetapi tetap dpt berikan yg terbaik sehingga ke Finish Line.

Saya listkan PRO & CONS utk acara ini.

- Pemilihan lokasi acara yang sangat tepat & sesuai (Dataran Putrajaya)
- Kemudahan tandas mudah alih (Tak tau nama orang putihnya) banyak disediakan sebelum Start line
- Water station placement yg mencukupi (Setiap 2-3KM)
- Marshal & volunteer yg cukup & sangat membantu.
- Kemudahan surau mudah alih & volunteer yang membantu utk wuduk (Gunakan water spray)
- Pemilihan route yang selamat & sesuai utk runners (Laluan dgn lampu jalan yang berfungsi)
- Darjah kesukaran route adalah moderate & tidak ada pendakian yg sukar.
- Flag off on time
- Hos event yg best (Maintain ada Sofea + Shaun)
- Alif Satar hadir (Duta GARMIN)
- Photographer ramai
- Ada flattable pool utk ICE recovery & sport massage

- Laluan utk last 500M utk HM rasa kelakar sikit sbb ada mini u-turn (Minor issue)
- Hadiah lucky draw tahun ni kurang dari tahun lepas (Pun bukan issue besar sbb faham je mungkin kekangan dari sponsor. Ekonomi pun keras skrg ni boss)
- Event kali ni habis cepat sgt (9.45 pagi dh settle dh). Tak dpt nk hang out lama sikit.

Overall, event kali ni tetap HAPPENING & AWESOME. Event ni mmg dah sebaris dlm kategori MUST JOIN event di Klang Valley selepas KLSCM, SCORE Marathon & Twincity Marathon.

Harap diteruskan lagi utk edisi 2024 & ada penambah baikan yg lebih baik.

Terima kasih & tahniah utk penganjur, penaja & semua yg terlibat menjayakan acara ini.

append delete #12. yuzirharafi13

Name: Langkawi International Half Marathon 2023
Date: 2 December 2023
Distance: 21.4km
Location: Pulau Langkawi
Twitter/ Threads:
Time: 2:41 (PB)

Ini kali kedua saya join dengan sahabat saya Amir Shafiq. Kenapa saya join, sebab organizer best dan boleh runcation sekali. Utk diri saya yg tak pernah sgt vacation ni, bila ada event cmni adalah alasan terbaik utk saya jalan2 dengan sahabat saya.

1. Route baru yg diktiraf dan diukur oleh badan World Atlethics. Route baru masuk kawasan Ulu Melaka dan lalu Kota Mahsuri. Best sbb view dan cabaran hill dia mmg takleh bawak bincang. Tahun lepas flat dan kali ni mmg mencabar.

2. Water station ngam, cukup air dan lain2. Mcm tahun lepas ada yg habis. Ada tembikai dan pisang. Boleh gak singgah kedai2 makan pakcik2 makcik utk support ekonomi mereka.

3. Photographer banyak !! so harap banyak la gambar lawa2.

4. Masa pickup race kit pun meriah dan shake out run pun meriah. View lawa.

1. Pada saya nampak mcm kurang orang utk jaga trafik, lebih lagi KM13 dan ke atas. Agak bahaya.

2. Kecewa dengan keadaan pingat untuk finisher 21KM. Design dah lama dan magnetic (boleh tanggal) tpi tercabut dan kena letak gam UHU. Harap tahun depan diperbaiki.

3. Baju 5km lagi menarik sbb warna hijau kot rasanya 😅. Harap design kategori 21km lebih menarik.

append delete #13. Parthiban Sam

Name: PBIM
Date: 17th December 2023
Distance: 21km
Location: Quensbay Mall, Penang.
Twitter : pcparthiban
Time: 3:26:48

First time joined PBIM. Starting time for HM is 3am, which I feel too early.

Somehow my body cannot cooperate to run at this time. Not enough training and my own health issue make the race tough for myself. So this is considered my worst half marathon ever. Now all the muscles in pain.

About the event.
Waterstartion: Good.
Road & traffic control: Good.
Goodies: Not So many.
Drinks: Got milo truck and free 100+
Surau: I don't notice it.
Toilet: Good.
Medal collection: A bit crowded, can manage the crowd better.

My overall opinion.
Somehow I feel high heat/humid, not sure is it due to sea breaze or what.
Feel over crowd.
3am start time is crazy.

Overall Good experience.

Parthiban Sam.

append delete #14. Latif Azmi

Name: PBIM
Date: 17th December 2023
Distance: 21km
Location: Quensbay Mall, Penang.
Twitter : AbgBerjambang
Time: 2:24:29

Kali Ke4 Menyertai . Acara PBIM setiap Tahun ada , dh menjadi Acara Tahunan Sukan Penang pada tiap hujung Tahun .

Dah banyak improvement , good job organizer .
Water station banyak , Surau disediakan , Lorong utk air Milo pun banyak . Such a nice thing . Siap bagi extra 15min COT utk 10km & 21km .

append delete #15. Bf Bae Suzy

Race: ASHIM 2024. Category: 11k

I didn't register this event at first but got last minute bin sponsored by PDRM ( according to the forwarded message). Since only 11k and 6k available, I chose the former.
1. My Performance:
- Achieve PB in 10 k, this is first event I sign up for 10k because previously only registered for HM due to logic in my mind.
- Feel can achieve more, but there are some lacks of pre race routine from me; not warming up proper enough, also go too fast at first 3km
2 Event Performance:
-Consider this event got support from political class and got sponsored by various big brand, they should have done better.
- The FO and FL is mess3d up. The sensor in FO is not in the same location withthe 'Start' arch. FL is too crowded, bottleneck cause from spectator .

append delete #16. kopikouu

Race: ASIHM 2024
Place: KLCC

Issue: After many years join running event, I hope this is my first event that I can be in podium/top 10. I already did my best enough try to get into the top placing. Unfortunately, when I arrived at the FL, no one told me that I got top 10 placing and so on. So, I expected that I didn’t manage to get the top 10. I really want to check event result after finish the run, but the official result didn’t out yet. After going home, I was so shocked that I got placing among top 10 runners for 11km. Already try to pm their IG/FB, but what they do is only “seen” my message. 🥲

append delete #17. Hairil

Name: MAIWP Run 2024
Date: 28 January 2028
Distance: 21.1km
Location: Dataran Wawasan, Putrajaya
Twitter/ Threads: blinded animation
Time: 2:19:19

Fantastic event happening.
Bermula dari hari collect race pack kat decathlon pj. Pergi amik haru Jumaat takde orang lengang. Whereby masa first day tu panjang giler orang beratur dah macam standard chartered hahahahah.
Event start pukul 4.30am which is nice untuk timing aku habis lari then solat subuh. Malas nak berhenti oleh sebab itu aku tak tau keadaan tempat surau yang disediakan.
Starting line ok macam biasa ramai orang berebut.
Actually route ni macam sama dengan Score Marathon last year. So a bit familiar dengan hilly dia. Target time pun achieve better than Score result.
Water station mencukupi, setiap 3-4km ada water station. Diselang seli dengan 100plus. Aku bawak botol sendiri so sepanjang run aku cuma singgah 2 kali je untuk refill botol air.
Tak banyak sorakan dari volunterr yang bertugas kalau diorang bersorak sure lagi meriah dan bersemangat.
Pisang takde so nasib baik bawak power gel 2 tapi makan sekali je masa km ke 12.
Macam biasa Putrajaya banyak flyover, lost count dah berapa kali turun naik bukit flyover tu. Ada 2-3 uturn, annoying jgak la kan tgk orang lari kat sebelah hahahahah.
Cut short, home stretch aku selisih dengan 10km yg baru mula 5min. So lari kena mengelak on coming runners.
Masuk event ni pasal murah fee nya.
Amik medal amik baju amik gambar pastu lepas jap then gerak. Tak tunggu lucky draw.
Best juga MAIWP ni next year boleh la join lagi.

Next event KL City Day marathon dan tengah pikir nak masuk Twincity FM ke tak. Sbb FM Twincity start pukul 4am, target habis 5jam+, dah pukul 9am++ tu panassssss derrrr

Ok lah tu je kalau rajin nanti aku citer pasal ASIHM pulak

append delete #18. Wanjeha

RACE : ASIHM 2024 (3 Feb 2024)

Tengok geng2 runner complain indentify winner last2 minute tarik balik. Not just that.
1. Problem bagi air minuman instead of air mineral. (ni mesti nak jimat annn) air isotonic lagi lahh takde terus 😂
2. Water station air habis padahal ramai lagi dekat belakang.
3. Finishing line dah macam pasar malam. Nak pecut utk finishing pon spoil.
4. Race village tak bagi. Ramai runner clueless tak tahu bag drop dekat mana. Tanya volunteer pon mostly tak tahu.
5. Time nak flag off lah ada ambulans nak masuk lori nak lalu dekat starting line.

append delete #19. Ashraf

ASIHM 2024

Summary: Bad review.

1. REPC terlalu strict dan tak ada budi bicara utk runner dari luar KL. Buat 2 hari sahaja.. khamis 1 Feb (hanya cuti umum utk KL + Putrajaya)dan Jumaat 2 Feb (REPC tutup by 7 pm). PM organiser, comment tag di FB tapi tak reply langsung.. sedangkan at the same time admin FB page dok up post share reels etc.

2. Tak ada Race Village on site. Hanya
stage dan signage flag off confusing.

3. Tak ada Race guide di email kan pada runners. Info on baggage drop last minute baru post kat FB.

4. At least 3 water station tak ada air! Air habis cepat gila sedangkan ramai lagi kat belakang. Aku complete 21 km in 3 hrs 9 minutes, tapi at least 3 atau 4 water station aku jumpa on route air dah habis. Water station yg ada air pun ada drinking water sahaja. Aku tak come across any isotonik drinks. OK la satu water station ada kasi pisang.

5. Untuk harga entry 21km RM 99 not a good experience. Event nampak gah buat depan klcc malam minggu dgn gimik concert dan paratrooper show, which any passerby and tourist pun boleh access, tapi overall a miserable experience for runners yg actually bayar for entry.

append delete #20. yuzirharafi13

Name: KL City Day Half Marathon
Date: 10/3/2024
Distance: 21.1km
Location: Dataran Merdeka
Twitter: yuziryuziryuzir
Time: 2:58 😅

Overall: 3/5

- Medik ade spray cramp tu sgt membantu
- FL ade laluan masing2
- View dan laluan Bukit Tunku (utk 1st time naik, oke la, pengalaman)
- Volunteer sgt work hard

- Air habis dkt WS awal2.
- Kata ade isotonik dekat WS tapi takde
- Collect Fin Tee tak teratur
- Khemah refreshment tak teratur
- FO lambat , maybe ade prob
- Mic speaker prob time nak FO
- Laluan FO sikit sempit

append delete #21. starkinggo_

Score Half Marathon Cruise

First time half marathon. Berlatih selama 4-5bulan, setiap bulan mileage dalam 100km, most of them are easy run and lsd (11km)

Sebab takde knowledge pasal nutrition, tadi sebelum pergi ke venue, makan dua roti krim, dua pisang kecik, then a cup of black coffee.

Part paling bersyukur adalah kaki memang bagi kerjasama dari awal sampai habis race, takde cramp takde rasa sakit sini sana mcm pernah terjadi beberapa kali dalam latihan.

Yang paling tk bestnya, perut time lari tk berapa best, bukan rasa nk membuang tp rasa mcm sakit. maybe sbb makan roti krim, atau energy gel N8 tak sesuai dengan saya.
Bab ni memang next half marathon saya nak plan betul betul.

Satu lagi adalah sebab selalu train dekat flat, kalini route penuh berbukit sangat memenatkan. however 80% of them i tried not to walk while climbing.

Menyesal tidak amik wudhu siap siap sebab agak lama beratur utk wudhu untuk solat subuh.

apa apa pun, target first HM ni bawah 3 jam, dan saya dapat 2:59:26 mcm tu despite of sakit perut, subuh break and hilly route.

append delete #22. faitastic_

Name: *Score Marathon 2024 - 10km*
Date: 21 July, 2024
Distance: 10km
Location: Putrajaya
Time: 59:41

Alhamdulillah finally PB sub 1 hour. Sampai Putrajaya dalam 5:35am, pusing 10min jugak cari parking. Turun je dari kereta terus masuk Subuh, terus warm up run ke surau dekat dgn starting line. Sempat stretch/drills kejap then masuk speed punya starting pen.

Event kat Putrajaya route mmg typical ada elevation naik flyover and masuk highway. Nak attempt PB mmg agak susah so it’s really advisable utk study route so that kita tahu KM berapa nak tekan/slow down disebabkan elevation.

Over distance around 200m but it wasn’t a big deal. Water station street lights semua ok just a short section around KM-3 gelap but kejap je. Overall quite satisfied with the 10k event!


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